Sarah Jones

Contact Sarah for:

  • Online or In The Room presentations on The Myths and Realities of Trans Lives; LGBTQ+ Issues, The Intersection of Religion and LGBTQ+ Issues

  • Online or In The Room presentations on Organisational Change and Teambuilding

  • Presentation Skills

Sarah was the first person to be ordained in the Church of England having previously made a gender change. In January 2005 she hit the headlines when she was outed to a national newspaper as having made a gender change many years previously. The story was covered in many newspapers, television and radio stations and on web sites and blogs throughout the world.

Representatives from the media went to her parishes and asked people what they thought about having a curate who had made a ‘sex-change’. The people and her Bishop supported her.

Sarah was ordained priest in September 2005 despite criticism from some conservative Christians - even on the morning of the ordination itself.

She is a contributor to national and local radio and television programmes as well as livestreams, blogs and webcasts.

Sarah now ministers in central Cardiff. She also speaks to conferences and groups on a range of topics including sex and gender, social influence, leadership and diversity, being your authentic self and about the importance of having good support from your employer. In June 2021 Sarah was awarded a Pride Award by Attitude Magazine and in November 2021 she was the subject of a BBC World Service radio programme.


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