Psychological Safety

Financially accessible Psychological Safety Training

for your whole organisation - on demand.


  • Online, on-demand training

  • Takes 15-30 minutes to complete

  • Reading-based training with some exercises and reflections

  • Designed by experts with lived experience

  • Key topics broken down simply

  • Digital badge upon completion


  • What is Psychological Safety?

  • Why is Psychological Safety Important?

  • Case Studies & reflections to bring Psychological Safety to life.

  • Recognising a lack of Psychological Safety

  • What Psychological Safety is not

  • How to create a Psychologically Safe Team

What does the training include?

  • Understanding what psychological safety is

    Understanding what psychological safety actually means, including a video with Any Edmondson who first coined the term.

  • Why is Psychological Safety Important?

    Looking at why psychological safety is important for teams and its positive effects on business productivity and outcomes.

  • Bringing Psychological Safety to life

    Case studies, examples and personal reflections to bring psychological safety to life from different angles.

  • What happens when you don't have psychological safety?

    A simple exercise to flip our expanded understanding of psychological safety to look at the potential consequences of a lack of psychological safety.

  • What psychological safety is not

    Feeling safe to admit mistakes, try and fail, challenge and ask questions does not mean lack of accountability, immunity from meeting expectations, or acting with a lack of respect.

  • Creating a psychologically safe team

    Understanding how to implement what we have learnt and apply it, in order to create psychologically safe organisations, teams and micro-cultures.

Ways to access this training

  • Host it yourself

    If you have a Learning Management System (LMS) and you’d prefer to host the training there, you can license the files from us.

  • Unlimited access to our platform

    If you don’t have Learning Management System (LMS) of your own, you can use ours - and open it up to everyone at your company.

  • Limited access to our platform

    If you only want certain people to be able to access the training the can each get their own individual login to our Learning Management System (LMS)

We’d love to chat

Send us a message via or using the form below, or book a time to chat to us using this link.