Jamie Shields
Contact Jamie for:
Disability Inclusion
Accessibility Socail Media
Disability Recruitment
Jamie is registered blind and currently awaiting his formal ADHD assessment.
Having struggled to gain and retain employment for most of his life, Jamie now works on removing the barriers that are imposed on those with disability. I may have a disability, but it is society that disables me.
Jamie’s work is centered around supporting AMS, a global recruitment RPO and their clients on creating a more inclusive culture, an accessible culture and one that not only focuses on gaining but the retainment of people with disability. His work has also led him to speak on both local and global events, Text Help Festival of Inclusion, Panel discussions, and podcasts.
As a global Disability ERG lead Jamie empowers and amplifies the voices of those sharing their lived experience of Disability. His passion for disability inclusion has led him to create his own Podcast, the Inclusivi-T. With former guests form Even break, The National Autistic Society, Micorlink and lots of guests with lived experience. (Previously That Thing Called Inclusion)
Across LinkedIn Jamie shares one simple message, be inclusive, be accessible, #BeTheChange.