Become Diversity Confident

Financially accessible EDI training for your whole organisation - on demand.


  • Pre-recorded on-demand training

  • Delivered by experts with lived experience

  • 8 key topics broken down into bite-sized modules

  • Up to ten 5 minute modules per topic

  • Digital badges for each topic completed


  • Neurodiversity

  • Race & Ethnicity

  • Religion & Beliefs

  • Disability & Chronic illness


  • Gender Identity

  • Age and Ageism

  • Sex & Gender Equality

The Topics

  • Neurodiversity Confident

    Module 1: What is Neurodiversity?

    Module 2: What makes up neurodiversity?

    Module 3: Neurodivergent needs

    Module 4: Neurodivergent skills

    Module 5: Executive function

    Module 6: Neurodiversity in the workplace

    Module 7: PReasonable adjustments

    Module 8: Supporting neurodivergent people

    Module 9: Recruiting neurodivergent people

    Module 10: Allyship for neurodivergece

  • Race Confident

    Module 1: Allyship

    Module 2: Colour Bias

    Module 3: Intersectionality

    Module 4: Microaggressions

    Module 5: Race vs Ethnicity

    Module 6: Talking about Race

    Module 7: The Language of Race

    Module 8: The Leadership Challenge

    Module 9: The Rainbow of British Culture

  • LGBTQIA+ Confident

    Module 1: True LGBTQ+ Allyship

    Module 2: Avoiding LGBTQ+ virtue signalling

    Module 3: LGBTQ+ rights UK History

    Module 4: LGBT+, LGBTQ+ or LGBTQIA+?

    Module 5: The 'Queer' Issue

    Module 6: Supporting those who come out

    Module 7: The meaning of LGBTQIA+

    Module 8: To Pride or Not to Pride

    Module 9: LGBTQ+ friendly policies

  • Gender Reassignment Confident

    Module 1: Gender Reassignment: An Introduction

    Module 2: Transgender Issues

    Module 3: Transgender Terminology

    Module 4: Binary & Non-Binary 

    Module 5: Pronouns & Titles

    Module 6: Gender Diverse History 

    Module 7: Appropriate Questions 

    Module 8: Supporting Transgender People 

    Module 9: Challenging Transphobia

    Module 10: Intersectionality

  • Disability & Chronic Illness Confident

    Module 1: Let's talk about disability

    Module 2: Why care about disabilities

    Module 3: The challenges of having a disability

    Module 4: Treat disability fairly

    Module 5: Having a disability conversation p1

    Module 6: Having a disability conversation p2

    Module 7: Utilising occupational health

    Module 8: Impact of the work environment

    Module 9: Removing barriers benefits the many

  • Religion Confident

    Module 1: Alcohol - what's the big deal?

    Module 2: Creating a faith based ERG

    Module 3: Non-inclusive behaviours

    Module 4: Faith-based dress

    Module 5: How religion Interacts with work

    Module 6: Religion and food

    Module 7: Religion, hiring and progression

    Module 8: What is religious inclusion?

    Module 9: Safe spaces

    Module 10: Why religion matters at work

  • Sex & Gender Equality Confident

    Module 1: Sex categories and types of sexism

    Module 2: Challenging sexism in the workplace

    Module 3: Clothing as an expression of sexism

    Module 4: Feminism

    Module 5: Intersectionality, sex and feminism

    Module 6: Sexism and language

    Module 7: Sexual harassment in the workplace

    Module 8: Feminism and fat phobia

    Module 9: Motherhood bias

    Module 10: The fulfilling prophecy of stereotypes

  • Age Confident

    Module 1: Age inclusive culture

    Module 2: Ageism

    Module 3: Attracting Older Workers

    Module 4: Gendered Ageism

    Module 5: The impact of a changing age demographic

    Module 6: Intergenerational mentoring

    Module 7: Menopause

    Module 8: Multigenerational Working

    Module 9: Preparing for an Ageing Workforce

    Module 10: 100 year life

Sample Our Style…

We designed Diversity Confident to feel like a friendly chat with an expert.

For a topic as human as Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, sterile, ‘corporate-style’ training simply doesn’t work.

Great EDI training meets people where they are at - and captures both hearts and minds.

We like our training to be interesting, accessible and inclusive of everyone - no matter where they are on the journey.

If this sounds like what you’re looking for, click the play button to sample our style of training.

Ways to access Diversity Confident

  • Host it yourself

    If you have a Learning Management System (LMS) and you’d prefer to host the training there, you can license the files from us.

  • Unlimited access to our platform

    If you don’t have Learning Management System (LMS) of your own, you can use ours - and open it up to everyone at your company.

  • Limited access to our platform

    If you only want certain people to be able to access the training the can each get their own individual login to our Learning Management System (LMS)

We’d love to chat

Send us a message via or using the form below, or book a time to chat to us using this link.